

    New vegetarian recipes

    New vegetarian recipes

    No-Bake Cocoa Balls Serves 6 COST: $2.15 Per 4 balls Calories: 287 Fat: 16g Carbohydrates: 29g Protein: 7g Fiber: 6.5g Sugar: 20g Sodium: 17mg 1 cup chopped pitted dates 1 cup cashews 1⁄4 cup cocoa powder 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1⁄4 cup coconut flakes Cover dates...
    Vegetarian vegan meal

    Vegetarian vegan meal

    Marvelous Mango Muffins Yields about 15 muffins COST: $0.59 Per muffin Calories: 190 Fat: 8g Carbohydrates: 28g Protein: 3g Fiber: 1g Sugar: 10g Sodium: 85mg 13⁄4 cups mango, diced 1 egg 1⁄4 cup vegetable oil 1 cup sour cream 11⁄2 teaspoons baking powder 1⁄8 teaspoon...
    Tasty vegetarian meals

    Tasty vegetarian meals

    Italian Rice Salad Serves 6 COST: $1.16 Per 3⁄4 cup Calories: 212 Fat: 10g Carbohydrates: 25g Protein: 4g Fiber: 3g Sugar: 3g Sodium: 120mg 1⁄3 cup red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1⁄4 cup olive oil 4 cloves garlic, minced 1...
    Best easy vegetarian recipes

    Best easy vegetarian recipes

    Parsley and Onion Dip Serves 6 COST: $0.42 Per 1⁄4 cup Calories: 54 Fat: 3g Carbohydrates: 4g Protein: 5g Fiber: 1g Sugar: 2g Sodium: 104mg 1 onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 block firm tofu, well pressed 1⁄2 teaspoon onion powder 3...
    Unique vegetarian recipes

    Unique vegetarian recipes

    Smoky Spiced Collard Greens with Turnip Serves 4 COST: $0.74 Per serving Calories: 65 Fat: 4g Carbohydrates: 7.5g Protein: 3g Fiber: 3g Sugar: 3g Sodium: 326mg 1 bunch collard greens 1 medium white turnip, peeled and diced into 1⁄4-inch pieces 1 medium onion, chopped...