by Admin | Dec 20, 2021 | Lunch, Tofu
For many years, I was squeamish about tofu. Grilled, fried and sautéed versions that promised to taste “just like” their meat or fish counterparts left nothing but a bad taste in my mouth. It wasn’t until I was urged to try tofu as tofu—cold, unpretentious bites of...
by Admin | Dec 9, 2021 | Lunch, Soups
A little bit of toasted pumpkin seed oil goes a long way. Its earthy, robust flavor is very similar to that of toasted sesame oil. If you don’t have toasted pumpkin seed oil, use an equal amount of dark sesame oil instead.Prep Time: 30 minutesCook Time: 3 minutesMakes...
by Admin | Dec 8, 2021 | Lunch, Soups
Adding tempura to soup feels very much like adding crackers to soup. The hard crackers soften a bit in the warm broth, while still remaining a little crunchy. Any sort of tempura vegetable, like mushrooms, blanched asparagus, and onions, will compliment this soup. My...
by Admin | Dec 7, 2021 | Lunch
When making tempura, you must be mindful not only of the temperature of the oil, but also that of the batter and vegetables. Use a deep-fryer thermometer to make sure the oil stays between 335°F (168°C) and 350°F (175°C) to prevent sogginess. Meanwhile, keep the...
by Admin | Dec 6, 2021 | Salads & Dressings, Sauces, Side Dishes, Snacks
Crisp, peppery daikon is a perfect match for fiery chilies. Try adding a smear or two of Chili Daikon to sushi instead of wasabi paste. Prep Time: 5 minutesMakes about ½ cup (125 ml) One 4-in (10-cm) length daikon radish, peeled5–8 fresh red chilies Use a chopstick to...