

    Brandied Fruit Compote

    Brandied Fruit Compote

    You could substitute different fruits in this delicious compote, such as oranges, pears, or figs; the idea is to have a mixture of dried and fresh fruit (all dried fruit is too heavy), and be sure to include the sliced banana. I love the combination of brandy and...
    Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

    Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

    These are great served alone or alongside cookies, cakes, or other fruit desserts. They should be made the day you are going to serve them, for the berry sweats after a while and changes the texture of the chocolate. Using room-temperature strawberries ensures that...
    Raspberry Almond Torte

    Raspberry Almond Torte

    Tortes are cakes made with ground nuts or bread crumbs and little or no flour, and they are usually only about 2 inches high. But there are many exceptions to this definition, and tortes look very different from one another. Unlike the Mocha Walnut Torte, which is...
    Peach Almond Torte

    Peach Almond Torte

    During the height of the peach season I love to make this sweet, buttery torte and serve it with espresso as part of a special meal. It is quick to make, and is best served warm or at room temperature. Although it is still delicious on the second day, it tends to get...
    Mocha Walnut Torte

    Mocha Walnut Torte

    This very quick torte is unusually light and smooth, with the ground walnuts being barely discernible. It is covered with my favorite icing a heavenly chocolate ganache and the entire torte can be assembled up to 3 days before serving with no noticeable loss in...