

    Broccoli Raab Gratin with Red Pepper Lattice

    Broccoli Raab Gratin with Red Pepper Lattice

    MAKES 4 SERVINGS I particularly like the broccoli raab in this Provençal gratin because the mix of chopped stems and leaves introduces a range of textures. I use 4 eggs instead of 2 or 3 for a fluffier gratin, and leave out the breadcrumbs because the roasted pepper...
    Provençal Gratin (Tian)

    Provençal Gratin (Tian)

    MAKES 4 TO 6 SERVINGS Provençal tians are hearty gratins bound with eggs and rice. They are great cold as well as hot and the leftovers will slice up nicely, making them great lunchbox fare. I also cut the leftovers into small triangles and serve them as hors...
    4-Egg Frittata with Broccoli Raab and Mushrooms

    4-Egg Frittata with Broccoli Raab and Mushrooms

    MAKES ONE 8-INCH FRITTATA, SERVING 2 TO 3 One Monday night I pulled some broccoli raab I’d blanched and frozen from the freezer, some farm-fresh eggs, mushrooms, and good Parmesan from the fridge, and put together this beautiful dinner for two. I loved the way the...