

      Irish Soda Bread

      Irish Soda Bread

      When I was in Ireland I was served soda bread in every bed-and-breakfast house I stayed in (some ten to fifteen of them), and each one was different from the last. This is my favorite version, and one that is always eaten all up in one day in our house. MAKES 1 LOAF,...



      Some granolas are filled with nutritious ingredients but somehow aren't particularly appetizing. This is the best granola I've tasted. It has a deliciously sweet cinnamon flavor though not overly sweet and just the right balance of textures. It is very easy to make,...

      Fresh Fruit with Yogurt Lime Sauce

      Fresh Fruit with Yogurt Lime Sauce

      A quick, light dish that can be prepared in any season. Pick the best fruit that you can get and strive for an attractive color combination. If you cannot get strawberries for the sauce, then try mashed banana, although the color will not be as striking. SERVES 6...

      French Toast with Orange and Brandy

      French Toast with Orange and Brandy

      Everyone seems to have his or her own idea about which type of bread makes the best French toast. I prefer French bread sliced on the diagonal, but whole wheat bread is a close second. Both are delicious topped with warm maple syrup. SERVES 4 5 eggs в…” cup milk в…“...

      Egg and Pepper Croustades

      Egg and Pepper Croustades

      This is an attractive and unusual way to serve eggs. Crisp, buttery toasted bread squares serve as shells for creamy scrambled eggs. Have everything that you plan to serve with the croustades ready when you begin. You will need about half a loaf of unsliced...

      Blueberry Muffins

      Blueberry Muffins

      These large, fat muffins are filled with blueberries. The secret to all muffins and other quick breads is to mix just until moistened and no more. This recipe makes eleven instead of a dozen so that each muffin cup is filled right to the top. MAKES 11 MUFFINS 2 cups...

      Sweet Tart Crust

      Sweet Tart Crust

      MAKES: Enough for an 8- to 10-inch tart TIME: 20 minutes, plus time to rest This contains more butter than the preceding piecrust, and an egg makes it extra-rich and perfect for tarts. You might think of this as a large cookie, and, like a cookie, it has many possible...

      Sweet Piecrust

      Sweet Piecrust

      MAKES: Enough for an 8- to 10-inch single-crust pie TIME: 20 minutes, plus time to rest I've used this recipe and technique for years and always been pleased with the results. The crust is flaky and flavorful, and it holds its own no matter what the filling. This may...

      Sweet Crumble Topping

      Sweet Crumble Topping

      MAKES: About 2 cups TIME: 10 minutes Essentially a streusel, this topping is like a delicate and crumbled nut cookie. It's lovely on any crisp, as well as sprinkled on quick breads, muffins, or tarts and pies before baking. Use the whole wheat flour for a more robust...

      Sugar Syrup

      Sugar Syrup

      MAKES: 2 cups TIME: 10 minutes Also called simple syrup, this is perfect for adding sweetness to something without worrying about the sugar dissolving. It comes in handy when making sorbets, granitas, and iced drinks, including tea, coffee, and cocktails. Make this...

      Ofira Riechter

      Glad to announce another weight loss of about 7 kg in less than 3 weeks .

      Itay Shaked

      I lost about 8 kg within 3 months, started using the pill and immediately felt an improvement in my performance, focus and feeling of satiety.

      Ioni Almashali

      Sensational weight loss of 18.7 kg … , crazy !!! On Monday morning I weighed 84.8, I reweighed 3 times to see that scales were working correctly, I was in shock !!!

      Miriam Masari

      I lost about 5 kg in 3 weeks … I felt great, full of energy and vigor !!!

      Yosi Barazani

      Everyone recommended me to lose weight, I tried in all sorts of ways but the weight did not go down! The doctor recommended me to try VIXIV … the appetite reduced,
      the desire for bread reduced, the desire for sweets also reduced, the amounts of food consumption dropped by half and I felt satiety … The kilos started to drop

      Liat Gefen

      I lost 10 kg in 3 months !!!

      Nuriel Asayag

      I started using VIXIV in December 2020, I lost a lot of weight over 22 kg in a period of about 5 months, feel great and in addition I must update you that the blood tests did not look like that since 2012.

      Raanan Kosovitch

      My doctor was shocked by my blood test, I told her I was using the vixiv pill and she said that for about 20 years I had not had such good test results!
      I feel great.