



    MAKES: About 3/4 cup TIME: 5 minutes From here grow all other vinaigrettes. Use your instincts or any of the suggestions on the following pages to vary the basic recipe. My everyday dressing almost always includes a bit of mustard (see the second variation), which...


    MAKES: Almost 1 cup TIME: 10 minutes If you crave a vegan sandwich spread, salad dressing, or dip base, something you can use in place of traditional mayonnaise, you can stop buying commercially made substitutes now. In fact, you can whip this up in the time it takes...
    Traditional Pesto

    Traditional Pesto

    Pesto Genovese MAKES: About 1 cup TIME: 10 minutes The best pesto is made with a mortar and pestle. And in Genoa, where pesto originated it’s properly called pesto Genovese, and everyone there will tell you not to even bother to try to make it elsewhere, because...
    Tomato Chutney

    Tomato Chutney

    MAKES: About 21/2 cups TIME: 20 minutes I like almost any tomato-based condiment; the truth is that I’m an unapologetic ketchup lover. This one, from my friend the New York based chef Suvir Saran, is spicy, sweet, aromatic, chunky, and more interesting than...
    The Simplest Yogurt Sauce

    The Simplest Yogurt Sauce

    MAKES: 1 cup TIME: 3 minutes You might not even think of this as sauce, but I swear, if you use it on grilled or roasted vegetables or as a dip, people will think you’re a genius. Add a few drops of lemon juice if your yogurt isn’t quite sour enough, which...