

    Pizza with Broccoli Raab and Mozzarella

    Pizza with Broccoli Raab and Mozzarella

    MAKES ONE 12- TO 14-INCH PIZZA, SERVING 2 OR 3 There’s a generous amount of broccoli raab—seasoned the classic Southern Italian way with garlic, olive oil, and red pepper flakes—topping this pizza. I don’t think pizza needs tomato sauce to be pizza, but if you’re...
    Pizza Dough

    Pizza Dough

    MAKES ENOUGH FOR TWO 12- TO 14-INCH PIZZAS, EACH SERVING 2 OR 3 This is a very easy, no-hassle dough. I use a little more than half whole wheat flour for it; you can vary the proportions and see what you like. It’s an easy dough to work with, just a little bit sticky...
    Greens and Chickpea Filling (for Galette)

    Greens and Chickpea Filling (for Galette)

    MAKES ENOUGH FILLING FOR ONE 9- TO 10-INCH GALETTE, SERVING 8 GENEROUSLY Use robust greens for this large galette—kale, collards, or mustard greens. You can even use the bagged Southern greens mix that they sell at supermarkets, which are already stemmed and washed....