

    Salsa Roja

    Salsa Roja

    MAKES: About 2 cups TIME: 45 to 50 minutes This classic cooked tomato and chile sauce can be served as is or pured and used for enchiladas or tacos. The guajillo chiles lend a complex, smoky flavor, as well as moderate heat. If you want a milder salsa, substitute...
    Real Ranch Dressing

    Real Ranch Dressing

    MAKES: 2 cups TIME: 10 minutes The big secret to ranch dressing is buttermilk powder, which is probably in the baking section of your supermarket. Nothing else delivers that characteristic buttermilk twang, and it works as a thickener to boot. 1 cup mayonnaise (to...
    Radish Salsa

    Radish Salsa

    MAKES: About 2 cups TIME: 30 minutes Radishes are hardly a classic salsa ingredient, but the technique mixing a vegetable (or fruit) with onion, an acid, chiles, and fresh herbs is downright traditional, and that’s the important part. Serve this colorful salsa...
    Raw Onion Chutney

    Raw Onion Chutney

    MAKES: About 3/4 cup TIME: 1 hour, largely unattended I love chutneys bursting with chiles and ginger and herbs, but when you’re pairing a chutney with richly flavored legumes like the dals in Simplest Dal, sometimes a simpler, more directly assaultive...
    Ponzu Sauce

    Ponzu Sauce

    MAKES: About 2 cups TIME: 10 minutes, plus time to rest The famous Japanese dipping sauce usually contains shavings of dried bonito, a relative of tuna. In this version seaweed replaces the fish more than adequately. If yuzu (a Japanese citrus) isn’t available...