

    Pineapple Chutney

    Pineapple Chutney

    MAKES: About 2 cups TIME: 30 minutes This jammy, sweet-and-spicy chutney has its roots in both traditional Indian chutneys and spicy fruit preserves from Renaissance Europe. The secret is mixing fresh fruit with dried. It’s perfect as a sweet-hot foil to bland...
    Peanut Sauce, Six Ways

    Peanut Sauce, Six Ways

    TIME: 35 minutes Though you may be tempted to eat this sauce for dessert, you’ll more likely toss this Thai-style sauce with Chinese egg noodles or pool a couple spoonfuls on the bottom of a plate and top with slices of grilled or fried vegetables or tofu. It...
    Parsley Pesto or Parsley Pure

    Parsley Pesto or Parsley Pure

    MAKES: About 1 cup TIME: 10 minutes Simpler, purer, less complex than traditional pesto, parsley pure is to me at least more of a standby. For one thing, you can find decent parsley year-round. For another, it’s a brighter, fresher pure and therefore less...
    Papaya and Other Fruit Salsas

    Papaya and Other Fruit Salsas

    MAKES: About 2 cups TIME: 20 minutes Citrus juice not just lime, but many others, as you’ll see in the variations make fruit salsas special. They’re sweet and sour, sometimes hot, usually appetizing and exciting. But you must taste while you’re...
    Nutty Miso Sauce

    Nutty Miso Sauce

    MAKES: About 1 cup (4 servings) TIME: About 15 minutes When the Japanese chef Yumiko Kano showed me this sauce, she used it to dress blanched and shocked green beans (see Shocking Vegetables). But now I toss it on all sorts of vegetables, from grilled eggplant or...