

      Traditional Pesto

      Traditional Pesto

      Pesto Genovese MAKES: About 1 cup TIME: 10 minutes The best pesto is made with a mortar and pestle. And in Genoa, where pesto originated it's properly called pesto Genovese, and everyone there will tell you not to even bother to try to make it elsewhere, because no...

      Tomato Chutney

      Tomato Chutney

      MAKES: About 21/2 cups TIME: 20 minutes I like almost any tomato-based condiment; the truth is that I'm an unapologetic ketchup lover. This one, from my friend the New York based chef Suvir Saran, is spicy, sweet, aromatic, chunky, and more interesting than most....

      The Simplest Yogurt Sauce

      The Simplest Yogurt Sauce

      MAKES: 1 cup TIME: 3 minutes You might not even think of this as sauce, but I swear, if you use it on grilled or roasted vegetables or as a dip, people will think you're a genius. Add a few drops of lemon juice if your yogurt isn't quite sour enough, which is...

      Teriyaki Sauce

      Teriyaki Sauce

      MAKES: About 1 cup TIME: 15 minutes Familiar and widely loved, teriyaki sauce is also fast and simple. You can slather it on broiled or deep-fried tofu, add it to stir-fried vegetables which in turn can be served over rice or noodles or use it as a ketchup replacement...

      Sweet Miso Glaze

      Sweet Miso Glaze

      MAKES: About 1/2 cup TIME: 10 minutes Miso works well as a basting sauce for grilling, broiling, or roasting vegetables or tofu. (I especially like this sauce made with red miso on mushrooms.) You can use any miso (see The Basics of Miso) for the base, but it's best...

      Spicy Indian Tomato Sauce

      Spicy Indian Tomato Sauce

      Makhani MAKES: 2 cups TIME: 30 minutes A tomato-based sauce from India, quite rich, almost sweet, a little hot, and spicy. The butter roasting of the cumin and mustard seeds used essentially as a garnish is an Indian technique called tarka, sometimes translated as...

      Soy and Sesame Dipping Sauce and Marinade, Korean Style

      Soy and Sesame Dipping Sauce and Marinade, Korean Style

      MAKES: About 11/2 cups TIME: 15 minutes This finger-licking-good sauce is quintessentially Korean, with its soy, sesame, sugar, and garlic. It just might be the perfect marinade for grilled tofu and is also wonderful for saucing Sushi Bowls or dipping Crudits. 1/2 cup...

      Smooth Green Chile Sauce, Indian Style

      Smooth Green Chile Sauce, Indian Style

      MAKES: 4 to 6 servings TIME: 20 minutes Nothing about this chile sauce is subtle; the color is deep green, the aroma is mouth-watering, and the flavors are intense. It's delicious with Dosa and Dry-Pan Eggplant. Add some yogurt (see the first variation), to mellow the...

      Simple Miso Dipping Sauce

      Simple Miso Dipping Sauce

      MAKES: About 1 cup (4 servings) TIME: 15 minutes Richer and more subtle than Ponzu Sauce or other soy-based dipping sauces, this is perfect for dunking or dressing heartier foods like boiled or grilled potatoes, whole wheat pastas, and Meatless Meat balls. Serve it in...

      Seaweed mayonnaise

      Seaweed mayonnaise

      MAKES: About 3/4 cup TIME: About 40 minutes, largely unattended Like eggs, seaweed has the ability to thicken liquids naturally, which is why it makes such a stable vegan mayonnaise it also makes one with a distinctive and very good flavor. Use this as a dip for...

      Ofira Riechter

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      Itay Shaked

      I lost about 8 kg within 3 months, started using the pill and immediately felt an improvement in my performance, focus and feeling of satiety.

      Ioni Almashali

      Sensational weight loss of 18.7 kg … , crazy !!! On Monday morning I weighed 84.8, I reweighed 3 times to see that scales were working correctly, I was in shock !!!

      Miriam Masari

      I lost about 5 kg in 3 weeks … I felt great, full of energy and vigor !!!

      Yosi Barazani

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      Liat Gefen

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      Nuriel Asayag

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      Raanan Kosovitch

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      I feel great.