

      Healthy vegetarian diet

      Healthy vegetarian diet

      Lemon Cilantro Couscous Serves 4 COST: $0.39 Per 1⁄2 cup Calories: 168 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 35g Protein: 5.5g Fiber: 2g Sugar: 1g Sodium: 427mg 2 cups vegetable broth 1 cup couscous 1⁄3 cup lemon juice 1⁄2 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1⁄4 teaspoon sea salt, or to...

      Delicious vegetarian recipes

      Delicious vegetarian recipes

      Thai Orange Peanut Dressing Yields 3⁄4 cup COST: $0.12 Per tablespoon Calories: 37 Fat: 3g Carbohydrates: 2g Protein: 1.5g Fiber: 0.5g Sugar: 1g Sodium: 176mg 1⁄4 cup natural peanut butter at room temperature 1⁄4 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons...

      Best vegetarian meals

      Best vegetarian meals

      Tatsoi Salad with Orange-Sesame Vinaigrette Serves 4 COST: $1.81 Per 1 cup Calories: 93 Fat: 8g Carbohydrates: 4.5g Protein: 2g Fiber: 2g Sugar: 2.5g Sodium: 69mg 6 cups tatsoi (Japanese baby spinach leaves) 1⁄4 cup Orange-Sesame Vinaigrette (see recipe in this...

      Quick vegetarian recipes

      Quick vegetarian recipes

      Tangerine and Mint Salad Serves 2 COST: $2.47 Per 2 cups Calories: 322 Fat: 26g Carbohydrates: 22g Protein: 3g Fiber: 6g Sugar: 13g Sodium: 55mg 1 head green lettuce, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint 2 tangerines, sectioned 1⁄3 cup chopped walnuts 1 bulb...

      Tasty vegetarian recipes

      Tasty vegetarian recipes

      Supersized Oatmeal Cookies Yields about 12 cookies COST: $0.41 Per 1 cookie Calories: 310 Fat: 18g Carbohydrates: 37g Protein: 3g Fiber: 2g Sugar: 23g Sodium: 160mg 1⁄2 cup shortening 1⁄4 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1⁄2 teaspoon...

      Vegetarian recipes for kids

      Vegetarian recipes for kids

      Summer Fruit Compote Yields 2 cups COST: $2.85 Per 1⁄2 cup Calories: 325 Fat: 1g Carbohydrates: 85g Protein: 3g Fiber: 8g Sugar: 24g Sodium: 21g 2 medium bananas 1⁄3 cup granulated sugar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon peeled and grated fresh ginger 1⁄4 cup lemon juice 4...

      Vegetarian times

      Vegetarian times

      Tropical Breakfast Couscous Serves 2 COST: $1.15 Per 2 cups Calories: 289 Fat: 2g Carbohydrates: 60g Protein: 8g Fiber: 5.5g Sugar: 19g Sodium: 29mg 1 cup couscous 1 cup coconut milk 1 cup orange juice 1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons honey 4 cups sliced fresh fruit...

      How to go vegetarian

      How to go vegetarian

      Sweet Red Salad with Strawberries and Beets Serves 4 COST: $1.89 Per 11⁄2 cups Calories: 295 Fat: 24g Carbohydrates: 25g Protein: 4g Fiber: 5g Sugar: 18g Sodium: 73mg 4 small beets, peeled and chopped 4 cups water for boiling 4 cups spinach 1 cup sliced strawberries...

      Vegetarian foods

      Vegetarian foods

      Strawberry Parfait Serves 4 COST: $1.61 Per 1 parfait Calories: 190 Fat: 4.5g Carbohydrates: 36g Protein: 0g Fiber: 2g Sugar: 23g Sodium: 42mg 1 cup strawberries, rinsed, dried, and hulled 11⁄2 cups Greek yogurt 1⁄2 cup strawberry preserves 4 whole strawberries, for...

      Vegetarian food list

      Vegetarian food list

      Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream Serves 6 COST: $1.55 Per 3⁄4 cup Calories: 475 Fat: 16g Carbohydrates: 82g Protein: 1g Fiber: 2g Sugar: 79g Sodium: 120mg 2 cups coconut cream 13⁄4 cups frozen strawberries 3⁄4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 1⁄4 teaspoon salt Purée together...

      Ofira Riechter

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      Itay Shaked

      I lost about 8 kg within 3 months, started using the pill and immediately felt an improvement in my performance, focus and feeling of satiety.

      Ioni Almashali

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      Miriam Masari

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      Yosi Barazani

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      Liat Gefen

      I lost 10 kg in 3 months !!!

      Nuriel Asayag

      I started using VIXIV in December 2020, I lost a lot of weight over 22 kg in a period of about 5 months, feel great and in addition I must update you that the blood tests did not look like that since 2012.

      Raanan Kosovitch

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      I feel great.