

      Vegetarian food recipes

      Vegetarian food recipes

      Mushroom Lentil Patties Makes 5 patties These veggie burgers, made with lentils and rice, are full of flavour, protein, B vitamins, and the minerals iron and zinc. Be creative and vary the seasoning with celery seed, cumin, or Cajun spice; serve with Light Mushroom...

      Great vegetarian recipes

      Great vegetarian recipes

      Moroccan Black Beans with Yams and Currants Makes about 4 cups (1 L) This recipe complements the Fiesta Quinoa Salad with Lime Dressing for a hearty, tasty meal. It is low in fat yet rich in protein, minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and...

      Eating vegetarian

      Eating vegetarian

      Marinated Tofu Makes 2 cups (500 mL) Tofu is made from soy milk, to which a coagulant is added. The mixture is then poured into a mould, and pressed in order to make it firm. Sold in a variety of styles, textures, and flavours, its firmness depends on the amount of...

      Good vegetarian recipes

      Good vegetarian recipes

      Chocolate Orange Cake Makes 20 slices This recipe has a nice texture and it is not too sweet. It is best served with the Chocolate Frosting or Blueberry Orange Sauce. The leavening used in this cake is baking soda, and as with all recipes using powdered leavening...

      Vegetarian diet recipes

      Vegetarian diet recipes

      Chocolate Frosting Makes 1 1/4 cups (310 mL) “Frosting” and “icing” are terms that are used interchangeably to mean sweet toppings for cakes, cookies, brownies, and pastries; they keep these desserts from drying out too quickly. Semi-sweet, dark chocolate chips often...

      Simple vegetarian meals

      Simple vegetarian meals

      Tuscan Minestrone Soup Makes 8 cups (2 L) Tuscany, a region in central Italy, is a charmed land blessed with copious amounts of sunshine. The cuisine from this famed tourist destination incorporates plenty of olives, garlic, tomatoes, cannellini beans (white kidney...

      Why vegetarian

      Why vegetarian

      Red Cabbage with Walnuts Makes 3 1/2 cups (875 mL) The brassica family of cabbage and related plant foods provide valuable phytochemicals that help protect us against cancer. The oils in walnuts are rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids. These health-supportive...

      Vegetarian menu

      Vegetarian menu

      Teriyaki Sauce Makes 2 cups (500 mL) Teriyaki sauce is common in Japanese cuisine. It adds both sweet and salty flavours to the food with which it is blended, and it's fat-free. The first choice for this recipe is sake, a Japanese rice wine that has a clean but...

      Vegetarian food recipes

      Vegetarian food recipes

      Sprouted Lentil Salad Plate Makes 1 serving Salads are an excellent way of incorporating the recommended nine or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Lentils, which can be sprouted in as short a time as 2 days, occupy the centre of this plate; along with the...

      Great vegetarian recipes

      Great vegetarian recipes

      Maki-Sushi Rolls Makes 3 rolls, 8 pieces per roll Sushi is a small bundle-shaped parcel of rice with a protein topping of some kind such as fish, egg, etc. Sushi that is served rolled in a sheet of nori seaweed is called maki-sushi. These rolls are made using a bamboo...

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      Itay Shaked

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      Miriam Masari

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      Raanan Kosovitch

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