

      Amazing vegetarian recipes

      Amazing vegetarian recipes

      Stir-Fried Tofu with Bell Peppers or Other Vegetables MAKES: 4 servings TIME: 30 minutes As with any stir-fry, this one is infinitely variable: You pull what you have out of the refrigerator, and not long afterward you're ready to eat. If you make the main recipe,...

      Top vegetarian recipes

      Top vegetarian recipes

      Spicy Ketchup-Braised Tofu MAKES: 4 servings TIME: 20 minutes Vaguely Chinese, more honestly American, this is delicious stuff. It can be served on bread or on top of rice or noodles. Given the ease of preparation, it's amazing. 1/2 cup peanut oil or neutral oil, like...

      Delicious vegetarian meals

      Delicious vegetarian meals

      Spicy Autumn Vegetable Burger MAKES: 4 to 6 servings TIME: 30 minutes with cooked beans and kale Here's a burger flecked with bits of green and orange vegetables, with both creamy and chewy textures. It's also a handy way to use leftover greens like kale, chard,...

      Fun vegetarian recipes

      Fun vegetarian recipes

      Seitan and Lentil Loaf MAKES: 4 to 6 servings (1 to 11/2 pounds) TIME: About 2 hours, largely unattended Think of a vegetarian meat loaf, only with a chewier, less crumbly texture. This is among the most versatile recipes in this chapter indeed, in the entire book and...

      Best vegetarian

      Best vegetarian

      Seitan MAKES: 4 to 6 servings (1 to 11/2 pounds) TIME: About 11/2 hours, largely unattended The first time you make seitan is shocking: The dough comes together almost instantly, is astonishingly elastic, and is very easy even fun to work. It's important to knead it...

      Low fat vegetarian recipes

      Low fat vegetarian recipes

      Scrambled Tofu with Mushrooms MAKES: 4 servings TIME: 20 minutes Scrambled tofu is surprisingly similar to the texture of eggs scrambled until they are dry, and if you use turmeric they'll even be a familiar golden color. The trick is to smooth the tofu out in a food...

      Gourmet vegetarian recipes

      Gourmet vegetarian recipes

      Pressed Tofu Salad MAKES: 4 to 6 appetizer servings TIME: 20 minutes, plus 2 hours to marinate There are two keys to this salad. The first is to buy dry, pressed tofu, which is sold in most Asian food markets and some natural food stores. It's much firmer than regular...

      Best vegetarian diet

      Best vegetarian diet

      Poached Tofu MAKES: 4 or more servings TIME: 20 minutes The easiest precooking method and one that gives the tofu a swollen but firm texture that is entirely pleasant. And more than baking, grilling, or frying it does not mess with the tofu's subtleties. (In Kyoto,...

      Vegetarian recipe ideas

      Vegetarian recipe ideas

      Pan-Seared Seitan MAKES: 4 to 6 servings TIME: 10 minutes with prepared seitan The simplest way to cook seitan is to cut it in slices and fry it in a little oil. For more elaborate dishes, substitute seitan for tofu in any of the stir-fry recipes in The Basics of...

      Quick and easy vegetarian recipes

      Quick and easy vegetarian recipes

      Oven-Roasted Seitan MAKES: 4 to 6 servings TIME: About 1 hour with prepared seitan, largely unattended With a crunchy crust and a tender interior, this is one of my favorite ways to cook seitan. When it's done, you just slice it thinly and eat, either as you would...

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