

      Rhubarb Cobbler

      Rhubarb Cobbler

      When I was a little girl, my friends and I would break off stalks of rhubarb and dip the raw ends into the sugar bowl, then bite off the sugary tip and squeal with delight over the overpowering tartness of the rhubarb. It was like biting into a lemon. That intense...

      Pear and Apricot Crisp

      Pear and Apricot Crisp

      Here is a nutritious dessert with a distinct fruit flavor that you can make 24 hours in advance. The apricots provide an interesting tartness, and the oatmeal and walnuts give it a deliciously crunchy topping. SERVES 4 TO 6 6 ripe but slightly firm pears (preferably...

      Apple Crisp

      Apple Crisp

      This classic American dessert is a favorite of mine, but it must be well spiced and have a rich, crunchy topping, as it does here. I have found that almost any variety of apple will do (except Red Delicious they're too mealy); if the apple is crisp and fresh and...

      Poached Pears in Red Wine with Raisins

      Poached Pears in Red Wine with Raisins

      This is a very pretty dessert. Dark red spicy wine colors the pears and makes them deep maroon on the outside while they remain white within. They are especially light and flavorful and are wonderful served after a rich meal. SERVES 4 4 ripe but slightly firm pears...

      Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies

      Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies

      These are my idea of a great chocolate-chip cookie crisp, buttery, and very chocolaty. You had better hide some of these if you don't want them all eaten in one sitting. MAKES 4 TO 5 DOZEN 2 cups (12 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened...

      Cowboy Cookies

      Cowboy Cookies

      These are the prized cookies of my childhood. My mother, Rita, would make large batches of these crisp, buttery cookies, and it was a challenge for all of us to control ourselves and not overindulge. Even now when I visit her, this is the one dessert I look forward...

      Almond Butter Cookies

      Almond Butter Cookies

      (pictured with Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries) Crisp, light, buttery, and richly flavored, these cookies could perhaps be equaled but not surpassed. I think they make a wonderful dessert, especially when served on a decorative platter with a side dish of fresh fruit or...

      Ginger Cookies

      Ginger Cookies

      Cookies to me are a great dessert as long as they are rich and flavorful. These ginger cookies are crisp and buttery with a good dose of spiciness. They are quick to make, and you can prepare the dough up to 1 week in advance, or make it a few months in advance and...

      Coconut Macaroons

      Coconut Macaroons

      Because these macaroons are made with unsweetened coconut rather than the commercial sweetened variety, they have a more pleasing coconut flavor. MAKES 24 COOKIES 3 egg whites, at room temperature Pinch cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ВЅ cup honey 2 cups...

      Chocolate Oatmeal Bars

      Chocolate Oatmeal Bars

      These fabulous bars have a rich brown sugar and oatmeal flavor and are covered with melted chocolate and chopped walnuts. They'd make a wonderful holiday gift wrapped individually in plastic wrap and neatly arranged in a decorative tin. MAKES 24 BARS 1 cup (2 sticks)...

      Ofira Riechter

      Glad to announce another weight loss of about 7 kg in less than 3 weeks .

      Itay Shaked

      I lost about 8 kg within 3 months, started using the pill and immediately felt an improvement in my performance, focus and feeling of satiety.

      Ioni Almashali

      Sensational weight loss of 18.7 kg … , crazy !!! On Monday morning I weighed 84.8, I reweighed 3 times to see that scales were working correctly, I was in shock !!!

      Miriam Masari

      I lost about 5 kg in 3 weeks … I felt great, full of energy and vigor !!!

      Yosi Barazani

      Everyone recommended me to lose weight, I tried in all sorts of ways but the weight did not go down! The doctor recommended me to try VIXIV … the appetite reduced,
      the desire for bread reduced, the desire for sweets also reduced, the amounts of food consumption dropped by half and I felt satiety … The kilos started to drop

      Liat Gefen

      I lost 10 kg in 3 months !!!

      Nuriel Asayag

      I started using VIXIV in December 2020, I lost a lot of weight over 22 kg in a period of about 5 months, feel great and in addition I must update you that the blood tests did not look like that since 2012.

      Raanan Kosovitch

      My doctor was shocked by my blood test, I told her I was using the vixiv pill and she said that for about 20 years I had not had such good test results!
      I feel great.