

      Bigeye Tuna Carpaccio

      Bigeye Tuna Carpaccio

      This dish was inspired by the Tsuji Cooking Academy in Osaka, Japan, where I have a long relationship as both student and teacher. The professors and I tested more than 800 recipes for the opening of one of my restaurants in New York…and this was one of our favorites....



      MINESTRONE IS, LITERALLY, A “BIG SOUP,” a vegetable soup that also contains beans and pasta or rice. The flavor is deep and Mediterranean, and has savory layers of garlic and onion, tomatoes, and Parmesan, along with simmered beans in some soups, lentils in others. In...



      A great way to use up leftover egg whites, meringue is easy to make and is a lovely dessert served very simply with poached fruit and whipped cream. It’s also a wonderful topping for sweet tarts. A word of warning: you must make sure your utensils are very clean, as a...

      Little cherry Bakewell tarts

      Little cherry Bakewell tarts

      These individual tarts look great as a display. Because they are small, we roll the pastry between two pieces of baking parchment to make it easier to handle. A good tip is to use little ‘bean bags’ made from lentils or rice wrapped in foil for the blind-baking; this...

      Lemon curd treacle tart

      Lemon curd treacle tart

      Most treacle tart recipes call for just golden syrup, but we use black treacle and dates here, too, which give a rich, sour depth that works beautifully with the fresh acidity of lemons. Of course you can use shop-bought lemon curd, but it’s much more satisfying, not...

      Lemon and lime meringue with coconut crumble

      Lemon and lime meringue with coconut crumble

      This is one of those dishes which make you look really smart, but is actually really easy to make. Lemon, lime and coconut are good friends and this is an interesting way to present them. The dish is assembled at the last minute so that, when your guests jump in, it...

      Flourless chocolate and raspberry cakes with rose cream

      Flourless chocolate and raspberry cakes with rose cream

      These cakes are outrageously rich. Buy the best chocolate you can afford, as it will make a huge difference to the flavour. A word of warning: do make sure that your microwave is on the lowest setting and that you stir the chocolate every 10 seconds, as it can burn so...

      Boozy prune and honey cake

      Boozy prune and honey cake

      Soaking prunes in brandy (we like to use Somerset cider brandy) makes this a great dinner party dessert, and it can be made the day before. Serve it with good-quality vanilla ice cream or crème fraîche. If you want to add a further touch, soak a few more prunes, say...

      Peanut butter cheesecake with salted toffee sauce

      Peanut butter cheesecake with salted toffee sauce

      A very bad dessert, almost an overload of naughtiness, if there is such a thing. We have included cocoa nibs, which are roasted cacao beans; they are quite bitter, yet have a deep chocolate flavour that helps to give the base an intriguing taste. As there is no baking...

      Ofira Riechter

      Glad to announce another weight loss of about 7 kg in less than 3 weeks .

      Itay Shaked

      I lost about 8 kg within 3 months, started using the pill and immediately felt an improvement in my performance, focus and feeling of satiety.

      Ioni Almashali

      Sensational weight loss of 18.7 kg … , crazy !!! On Monday morning I weighed 84.8, I reweighed 3 times to see that scales were working correctly, I was in shock !!!

      Miriam Masari

      I lost about 5 kg in 3 weeks … I felt great, full of energy and vigor !!!

      Yosi Barazani

      Everyone recommended me to lose weight, I tried in all sorts of ways but the weight did not go down! The doctor recommended me to try VIXIV … the appetite reduced,
      the desire for bread reduced, the desire for sweets also reduced, the amounts of food consumption dropped by half and I felt satiety … The kilos started to drop

      Liat Gefen

      I lost 10 kg in 3 months !!!

      Nuriel Asayag

      I started using VIXIV in December 2020, I lost a lot of weight over 22 kg in a period of about 5 months, feel great and in addition I must update you that the blood tests did not look like that since 2012.

      Raanan Kosovitch

      My doctor was shocked by my blood test, I told her I was using the vixiv pill and she said that for about 20 years I had not had such good test results!
      I feel great.