

    Chiles Rellenos

    In Spanish, the word relleno means “stuffed.” Chiles are peppers. This recipe for stuffed peppers is baked. But chiles rellenos (CHEE-lays ray-YAY-nose) are often fried.

    Poblano Peppers

    The poblano (poe-BLAH-no) is like a green pepper. It is a darker color. In peppers, much of the spicy heat comes from the seeds. The outer skin is tough. Cooks remove the seeds and skin before cooking.

    What You Need


    Baking dish
    Cutting board
    Fork or whisk

    6 poblano peppers, canned, jarred, or freshly roasted*
    ½ pound Monterey Jack cheese
    1 teaspoon cumin
    3 eggs
    ½ cup milk
    1 teaspoon salt
    ½ teaspoon pepper

    What to Do

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
    Grease the baking dish with oil, butter, or spray-on cooking oil.
    Grate the cheese.
    Place peppers side by side in a baking dish. Fill peppers with cheese.
    Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add milk, cumin, salt, and pepper. Beat with a fork or whisk.
    Pour the batter over peppers.
    Bake uncovered for 25 minutes, until the eggs are set.