


    This is a wonderful pickle. Tangy, pungent, and delicious, it’s long-lasting too.

    Makes a large jar (around 32 ounces)

    2 pounds lemons
    ½ cup canola oil
    30 fresh curry leaves
    2 teaspoons mustard seeds
    ½ teaspoon fenugreek seeds
    ¾-inch piece of ginger, peeled and grated
    5 cloves of garlic, sliced
    4 Indian green chiles, sliced into thirds at an angle
    1½ teaspoons ground turmeric
    2 tablespoons salt
    2 teaspoons ground red chile

    Quarter each lemon, then quarter again. Sit the lemon pieces in one layer on a steamer over medium heat, and steam for 8 to 10 minutes, until tender. Remove and keep to one side.

    Put the oil into a frying pan over medium heat. When hot, add the curry leaves, mustard seeds, and fenugreek seeds. When they crackle, add the ginger, garlic, green chiles, turmeric, salt, and ground red chile and stir-fry for a couple of minutes.

    Finally, add the steamed lemons. Stir-fry for another couple of minutes, then take off the heat. Leave to cool, and transfer to a very clean or sterilized jar, where it will keep for a month.