


    This is a bona fide Mumbai classic, named after the Mr. Kejriwal who used to order it every day for breakfast at the Willingdon Club, thirty years ago. After years of persistence, they finally put it on the menu and millions of Mumbaikers have enjoyed it ever since.

    Serves 2 for breakfast

    4 door-stopper slices of good bread
    Colman’s mustard
    1–2 Indian green chiles, sliced paper thin
    7 ounces sharp Cheddar, grated
    1 tablespoon unsalted butter
    4 eggs
    salt and ground black pepper

    Preheat the broiler to a medium to high heat.

    Lightly toast the bread in a toaster or put a frying pan over medium heat and pan-fry each side for a minute or two. Spread each slice with a thin layer of mustard.

    Mix three-quarters of the chile into the cheese and layer over the toast, then pop under the broiler until the cheese starts to blister and brown. Transfer to plates when ready.

    In the meantime, melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the eggs until the whites have set but the yolks are still runny. Place on the cheese toasts.

    Sprinkle a little salt over the top, along with a decent amount of black pepper and the remaining chile, and serve immediately.