

    Sally Lunn buns

    As the story goes, Solange Luyon (or Sally Lunn from an English tongue) was a young French Huguenot refugee who fled to Bath in the late 17th century and began baking the brioche-like buns that became her namesake. They’re very delicious and should be eaten the day they’re baked, served with Strawberry and vanilla butter (see here), or your favourite jam. Any left over should be frozen that same day, as soon as they are cold. When defrosted, cut them open, toast and serve with scrambled eggs for a posh breakfast. It’s really good.

    MAKES 12
    450g plain flour, plus more if needed
    pinch of sea salt
    75g granulated sugar
    300ml single cream
    2 eggs, lightly beaten, plus 1 more to glaze
    10.5g (3 tsp or 1½ packets) fast-action dried yeast
    finely grated zest of 1 unwaxed lemon icing sugar, to dust
    Sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl, stir in the sugar, then make a well in the middle.
    Whisk together the cream, eggs and yeast, then add to the well in the dry ingredients along with the lemon zest. Mix with your hands to form a dough. You may need to add a little more flour if the dough is very wet. Cover with cling film and leave to prove in a warm, draught-free place for 10 minutes.
    Using your hands, knead the dough for about 5 minutes (or use a food mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment), as this will help create a light, fluffy texture. Then divide the dough equally between 12 muffin moulds. Brush each bun with a little beaten egg. Cover loosely with cling film and prove for a further 20 minutes or until risen by one-third in size. Preheat the oven to 170°C/fan 150°C/gas mark 3½.
    Remove the cling film and bake the buns for 10–12 minutes; they should be golden brown. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm.