


    Flaxseeds give this fragrant whole-grain bread a nutty flavor and a richer nutritional profile. The flaxseeds also keep the bread moist and tender for several days. You can also bake the bread in a 1-lb. bread machine; just omit the shaping and scoring steps.
    ¾ cup water (at room temperature)
    1 Tbs. molasses or honey
    1 Tbs. olive oil, plus more for greasing bowl
    4 Tbs. flaxseeds, divided
    1⅓ cups whole wheat flour
    ⅔ cup bread flour or all-purpose flour
    2 Tbs. nonfat dry milk powder
    1½ tsp. yeast
    1 tsp. salt
    1 large egg white, beaten

    1. Stir together water, molasses, and oil in measuring cup until molasses dissolves. Set aside.
    2. Grind 3 Tbs. flaxseeds to a powder in coffee grinder or mini-chopper. Place whole wheat flour, bread flour, ground flaxseeds, milk powder, yeast, and salt in food processor fitted with metal chopping blade; pulse several times to blend. With motor running, slowly add liquid through feed tube, and process until dough is smooth and pulls away from sides of work bowl. If dough seems too thick, adjust texture by adding 1 Tbs. water at a time. Process 1 minute.
    3. Transfer dough to large bowl coated with oil. Turn dough to coat all sides with spray. Cover with plastic wrap, and let rise 1¼ to 1½ hours, or until dough has doubled in size.
    4. Turn out onto lightly floured work surface, and shape into round or oval loaf. Place on baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Cover with plastic wrap coated with cooking spray. Let loaf rise 1 hour, or until almost doubled.
    5. Preheat oven to 400°F. Brush loaf with egg white, and sprinkle with remaining 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds. Score top of loaf with 4 ¼-inch-deep slashes using serrated knife. Bake bread 25 to 35 minutes, or until golden and hollow-sounding when tapped. Cool bread on wire rack.

    Calories: 155
    Protein: 5 g
    Total Fat: 3 g
    Saturated Fat: 0 g
    Carbohydrates: 27 g
    Cholesterol: 0 mg
    Sodium: 229 mg
    Fiber: 3 g
    Sugar: 3 g