

    Flavored Oil

    MAKES: 1/2 cup

    TIME: 20 minutes, plus time to cool

    Itв’s almost impossible to use too much of the flavoring ingredients in this preparation, but if you do if your oil becomes too strong simply dilute it with a little fresh oil. You can certainly mix or match among the or options here, but remember combinations especially the more creative ones! will limit the range of the oil usefulness.

    1/4 cup washed and dried fresh herb leaves: rosemary, thyme, bay leaf (dried will do in this case), tarragon, marjoram, oregano, etc.


    1 tablespoon spice: star anise, peppercorn, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, chiles (dried), etc.


    Aromatics: 2 garlic cloves, lightly crushed, or 2 tablespoons ginger slices, or roughly chopped shallots or scallions, or celery leaves, or a combination

    Pinch salt

    1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil or neutral oil, like grapeseed or corn

    Combine the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat. Warm gently until the mixture sizzles, then continue to cook until the oil is very fragrant, another five minutes.

    Cool, then strain into a clean bottle or other container. Refrigerate and use within a week.