

    Ensaladilla russa

    Serves 8 to 10

    • 3 large, white-skinned potatoes
    • 1 cup cooked peas
    • 1 cup cooked diced carrots
    • ½ cup cooked, chopped pimiento peppers
    • ½ cup minced onion
    • ¼ cup olive oil
    • ¼ cup wine vinegar
    • 1½ teaspoons . salt
    • pepper to taste
    • mayonnaise to taste
    • garnish
    • parsley sprigs
    • carrot slices
    • slivers of pepper
    • chopped hard-boiled egg, etc.

    1. Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender. When they are cool, peel them and cut them into very small dice, about ¼ inch.
    2. Put the diced potatoes in a large bowl. Add a generous cupful of cooked fresh peas, a generous cupful of cooked diced carrots, the pimiento pepper, and the onions.
    3. Toss all the ingredients together thoroughly with the oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Taste and correct seasoning.
    4. Add a few spoons of mayonnaise, according to taste, and toss again until everything is very well combined.
    5. Mound the salad carefully on an oval platter and shape it with the side of a knife until it is smooth and even. Spread mayonnaise over the salad until it has a smooth, even coating over the entire surface. Then decorate it with various garnishes, making pretty patterns, and chill before serving.