

    Fried mozzarella

    Serves 6

    • 1½ lbs. mozzarella cheese
    • 1⅓ cups fine, dry bread crumbs
    • 3 to 4 Tbs. finely minced fresh parsley
    • 2 eggs
    • salt to taste
    • pepper to taste
    • approximately 3 to 4 Tbs. flour
    • approximately ½ to ⅓ cup olive oil
    • garnish
    • slices of melon

    1. Cut the mozzarella into evenly sized slices about ¼ inch thick.
    2. Combine the bread crumbs and the parsley in a shallow bowl, mixing them together thoroughly.
    3. Beat the eggs lightly with a little water and some salt and pepper, and pour the beaten eggs into another shallow bowl.
    4. Put a few tablespoons of flour into a third bowl. Dredge the cheese slices in flour on both sides and on the edges. Take one of the floured slices and dip it first in the egg mixture, then in the bread crumb mixture, then once more in the egg mixture and once more in the crumbs.
    5. Bread all the cheese slices this way. Be sure that the slices of cheese are thickly and evenly breaded, including the edges, or else they will come to grief in the frying pan!
    6. Pour a liberal amount of olive oil into each of 2 large skillets and heat it. Put in the cheese slices, regulate the flame to medium heat, and sauté the cheese for a few minutes on each side. The breading should be crispy and golden brown.
    7. Remove them from the oil and place them on paper towels for an instant, then serve immediately. The cheese should be completely melted inside the crust.
    8. Serve with a salad or garnish with slices of melon.