

    Penne al cardinale (pasta with creamy tomato sauce)

    Serves about 6 people.

    • 6 medium-sized ripe tomatoes
    • 4½ Tbs. butter
    • 2 large cloves garlic, minced or pressed
    • ½ tsp. salt
    • ½ tsp. dried basil, crushed
    • 1½ cups cream
    • 1½ Tbs. flour
    • 1 Tbs. brandy
    • 2 Tbs. tomato paste
    • 1 to 1½ lbs. penne noodles

    1. Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water until the skins split and start to curl. Remove them from the water and peel them.
    2. Purée the tomatoes in a blender, a couple at a time. You should have about 3 cups of thin purée.
    3. Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in a saucepan and sauté the garlic in it until it is just golden. Add the tomato purée, the salt, and the basil. Simmer gently until the purée is reduced by at least ⅓. It should be thick enough to lightly coat a wooden spoon.
    4. In another saucepan, melt another 1½ tablespoons of butter, stir in the flour, and cook this roux over a tiny flame, stirring constantly, until it is golden.
    5. Heat the cream until it is hot to the touch but not boiling, and add it to the roux, stirring with a whisk. Cook this sauce until it is thickened, whisking it frequently, then stir in the brandy, the tomato paste, and the remaining butter.
    6. Combine the cream sauce and the thickened tomato purée, and cook them together for a while longer, until the desired consistency is reached.
    7. The amount of pasta you can cook will depend on what kind of pasta-sauce ratio you prefer and on how many people you’re feeding. About 1¼ pounds will serve 6 people generously.
    8. Boil the noodles until they are al dente, or just tender.
    9. Pour the hot sauce into a large, warm serving bowl. Add the drained noodles, toss until well mixed, and serve at once.