

    Crêpes with creamed mushrooms

    Serves 4 to 6

    • 12 crêpes
    • 1½ lbs. mushrooms
    • 4½ Tbs. butter
    • ¼ cup finely chopped onion
    • 2 Tbs. flour
    • 1 cup heavy cream, heated
    • salt and pepper
    • 1½ Tbs. dry sherry
    • 1 Tbs. brandy
    • optional garnish
    • fresh melon slices

    1. Prepare the crêpes ahead of time and keep them warm, wrapped or covered, in a low oven, or reheat them before filling.
    2. Wash and trim the mushrooms and slice them thickly. Sauté the onions in 2½ tablespoons of the butter for 2 minutes, then add the sliced mushrooms and sauté over high heat, tossing or stirring frequently, until the mushrooms have released their excess liquid and it has evaporated. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
    3. In a small saucepan, melt the remaining 2 tablespoons butter and stir in the flour. Cook this roux over low heat for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly, then stir in the hot cream. Beat lightly with a whisk until the sauce is smooth and simmer, stirring constantly, for several minutes. Stir in the sherry and the brandy.
    4. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms and heat them together, stirring often, for a few minutes.
    5. Spoon a small amount of the creamed mushrooms down the center of each warm crêpe and roll the crêpes up over the filling. Serve hot, garnished with fresh melon slices, or serve with a salad.