


    This is one of those refreshing cold dishes so welcome during the summer heat: pleasant and filling but not overpowering. A Russian peasant dish, it goes very nicely with a light, cool borscht or a fruit soup.

    Serves 8 to 10

    • ¾ cup yellow corn meal
    • 5½ to 6 cups water
    • 1 to 1¼ tsp. salt, and more to taste
    • ½ tsp. sugar
    • 4 Tbs. butter
    • ¾ lb. fresh hoop or farmer cheese, crumbled
    • 1 cup sour cream
    • black pepper to taste

    1. Stir together in a pot the corn meal and 5½ cups water. Heat the mixture slowly, stirring often, until it is simmering. Add about 1 teaspoon of the salt, the sugar, and the butter, and continue simmering the mixture gently, still stirring frequently, for 35 to 40 minutes. The corn meal mush should have the consistency of a thin pudding. If it feels stiff or very grainy, stir in a little more water.
    2. Pour the mush into a smooth-surfaced bowl or casserole and allow it to cool completely. It will jell into a solid mold. Chill the corn meal if desired.
    3. When it is quite cool and firm, turn the corn meal mold out onto a plate and slice it thickly. For each serving, cover 1 thick slice of corn meal with a few spoonfuls of crumbled hoop cheese and a large dollop of sour cream.