

    Garbanzo croquettes

    Loosely based on the flavor combination found in felafel, these croquettes have the same attractive spiciness but less of a tendency to absorb oil, so the effect is not quite so heavy.

    Makes about 30 croquettes, enough for 6 to 8 people.

    • ⅓ cup dried bulgur wheat
    • ⅔ cup water
    • 2 cups cooked garbanzo beans
    • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
    • 3 Tbs. chopped fresh cilantro (coriander leaves)
    • 1½ tsp. crushed dried red chilis
    • ½ tsp. ground cumin
    • 1 tsp. salt
    • 3 Tbs. butter
    • ⅛ tsp. cinnamon
    • 1½ tsp. fresh-minced garlic
    • 3 Tbs. flour
    • ¾ cup hot vegetable broth
    • 2 cups fine, dry bread crumbs
    • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
    • flour (about ⅔ cup)
    • vegetable oil for deep frying

    1. Soak the bulgur wheat in the water for 20 minutes, then drain it in a fine sieve, pressing out all the excess moisture.
    2. Mash the garbanzo beans with a potato masher and stir in the lemon juice, cilantro, chilis, cumin, and salt.
    3. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and add the cinnamon and garlic to it. Sauté for about 2 minutes, then stir in the 3 tablespoons of flour.
    4. Cook the roux over low heat for several minutes, stirring often, then stir in the vegetable broth. Continue cooking and stirring the sauce until it is thick and smooth. Add it to the garbanzo bean mixture, along with the soaked bulgur and ½ of the bread crumbs. Stir the mixture thoroughly, taste, and correct the seasoning if necessary. Chill the mixture for about 2 hours.
    5. Put the beaten eggs in a small, shallow bowl, the flour in another one, and the remaining 1 cup of bread crumbs in a third. Scoop up the croquette mixture into rounded tablespoonfuls and roll each one into a ball—they should be about the size of large walnuts. Roll each ball in flour until it is well coated. When all the balls have been floured, take one at a time and dip it first in the beaten eggs, then roll it quickly in the bread crumbs until it is completely encrusted.
    6. Cook the croquettes in deep, hot vegetable oil, about 7 or 8 at a time, for 6 to 8 minutes, or until they are crisp and golden brown all over. Drain them on paper towels and keep them warm in the oven while cooking the rest.
    7. Serve the croquettes hot with a salad or with chilled buttermilk soup.