

    Glazed carrots

    Serves 4 to 6

    • 1½ lbs. slender carrots
    • 3 Tbs. butter
    • ¾ cup water
    • 2 Tbs. lemon juice
    • salt to taste
    • 1 Tbs. cider vinegar
    • ⅓ cup brown sugar
    • dash of nutmeg

    1. Scrape and trim the carrots and cut them in 1-inch lengths. Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in a medium-sized skillet and add the carrots, water, lemon juice, and a little salt. Simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Remove the cover and raise the heat. Cook over high heat, stirring often, until nearly all the liquid has evaporated—about 6 to 8 minutes.
    2. Add another tablespoon of butter, the cider vinegar, the brown sugar, and a tiny bit of nutmeg. Lower the heat to medium and stir constantly until all the sugar is melted and the glaze is thick enough to coat the carrots.
    3. Taste, add more salt if needed, and serve.