

    Cold broccoli mousse

    Serve the mousse with hot Cheese Pastries.

    Serves 6 to 8

    • 2 lbs. broccoli
    • ½ lb. mushrooms
    • 2 Tbs. butter
    • 1½ tsp. salt, and more to taste
    • fresh-ground pepper to taste
    • 2 packages (2 Tbs.) unflavored gelatin)
    • ¼ cup cold water
    • 1 cup light cream
    • ¾ cup Vegetable Broth II
    • 2 eggs, beaten
    • 1 tsp. prepared horseradish
    • ¼ cup lemon juice
    • 1 cup mayonnaise
    • garnish
    • cherry tomatoes
    • parsley sprigs

    1. Trim the broccoli, cut the tops into flowerets, and peel and slice the stems. Boil it in salted water until it is tender, then drain it immediately. Divide it in two, chop ½ of it finely, and purée the other half in a blender or food processor.
    2. Wash the mushrooms and mince them or put them through a food mill. Sauté the mushrooms in butter, stirring constantly, until they are completely tender and all the moisture has evaporated. Season them with salt and pepper.
    3. Soften the gelatin in the water. Heat together the cream and the vegetable broth and add the gelatin, stirring over low heat until it is completely dissolved. Remove the liquid from the heat and beat in the eggs.
    4. Combine the mushrooms, the chopped and puréed broccoli, 1½ teaspoons salt, the horseradish, pepper, lemon juice, and mayonnaise, and mix everything together thoroughly.
    5. Allow the gelatin mixture to cool, stirring it occasionally, until it just begins to thicken. Then stir in the broccoli mixture, taste, and correct the seasoning if necessary. Spoon the mousse into 6 to 8 individual oiled molds or cups and chill them for several hours, or until the mousse is completely set.
    6. Unmold each mousse onto a medium-sized plate and garnish with cherry tomatoes and parsley sprigs.