

    Gazpacho toledano

    Serves 6 to 8

    • 7 to 8 medium-sized ripe tomatoes
    • 2 medium-sized cucumbers
    • 1 green bell pepper
    • 1 small onion
    • 2 to 3 cloves garlic
    • 1½ slices French bread
    • 1½ cups cold water
    • 6 Tbs. olive oil
    • 4 to 5 Tbs. wine vinegar, or to taste
    • 3 tsp. salt, or to taste
    • 2 tsp. paprika
    • pinch of ground cumin
    • fresh-ground black pepper to taste
    • garnish
    • croutons
    • chopped onions
    • chopped red and green bell peppers
    • chopped cucumbers
    • chopped tomatoes

    1. Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Peel and seed the cucumbers, and cut them into approximately 1-inch pieces. Seed the bell pepper and cut it into approximately 1-inch pieces. Peel and coarsely dice the onion. Put the garlic cloves through a press. Cube the bread.
    2. Now put the prepared ingredients, 2 or 3 cups at a time, into a blender, adding a little of the water each time. Blend at medium or high speed until the vegetables and bread are puréed. Pour the purée into a large bowl.
    3. Add the oil and vinegar, the remaining water, and the seasonings and whisk vigorously until all is very well blended. Taste and correct the seasoning. If the soup is too thick, it may be thinned with a little more cold water.
    4. Chill the soup in the refrigerator for several hours before serving. Arrange the garnishes attractively on a large platter and pass them around the table as you serve the soup.