


    Travel the length and breadth of India today and you will find lassis of every kind, texture, and flavor. The best one I ever had was from Blue Lassi in Varanasi.

    This avocado and honey lassi borrows from that one. Creamy and rich from the blended avocado flesh and yogurt, with honey, cinnamon, and rose water. It’s filling enough for breakfast or an afternoon lull. I like to use yogurt which is a few days old, so it has a sour tang to it.

    Makes 2 glasses

    1 very ripe avocado
    1 cup plain Greek yogurt
    1 cup whole or low-fat milk
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    2–4 tablespoons runny honey (or to taste)
    2 teaspoons rose water (or to taste)

    Halve your avocado, then wedge your knife blade into the center of the pit and twist it clear of the flesh. Scoop out the flesh into a blender and add the yogurt, milk, and cinnamon, then whizz together.

    Add the honey and rose water according to taste—rose waters in particular vary dramatically, so add it little by little until it tastes just right to you. Blend, taste, adjust again if you wish, then serve.