


    Hot, salty, and vinegary, this addictive pickle can perk up the dullest of things.

    Makes a large jar (around 32 ounces)

    ½ small cauliflower (9 ounces)
    ½ pound radishes
    2 medium carrots
    ½ cup canola oil
    1 tablespoon mustard seeds
    3 whole Kashmiri chiles, broken into pieces
    1 teaspoon ground turmeric
    3½ teaspoons ground red chile
    1½ cups distilled pickling vinegar
    3 teaspoons salt
    3 teaspoons sugar

    Break the cauliflower into small florets no more than ¾ inch in diameter and transfer to a bowl. Trim the radishes and carrots, then peel the carrots and slice both very thinly with a mandolin or a knife, and add to the bowl.

    Put the oil into a casserole dish that’s big enough to fit all the vegetables, and place over medium heat. When hot, add the mustard seeds, and when the seeds pop, add the Kashmiri chiles. Stir-fry for a minute, then add the turmeric and ground red chile. Stir, turn the heat down, and add the vinegar.

    Cook for 10 to 15 minutes over medium to low heat until it reduces down to a balsamic-like consistency, then add the salt, sugar, and sliced vegetables. Stir to mix, then immediately take off the heat.

    Transfer to an exceptionally clean or sterilized jar, making sure all the vegetables are covered with the pickling liquid. Keeps for a month in the fridge.