

    Broccoli Raab Gratin with Red Pepper Lattice


    I particularly like the broccoli raab in this Provençal gratin because the mix of chopped stems and leaves introduces a range of textures. I use 4 eggs instead of 2 or 3 for a fluffier gratin, and leave out the breadcrumbs because the roasted pepper lattice makes such a beautiful topping.

    Make the Provençal Gratin template with the following additional ingredients and specifications:
    Additional 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
    1 to 2 garlic cloves (to taste), minced
    1 small bunch broccoli raab (about ¾ pound), blanched and chopped medium-fine
    2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary, or 1 teaspoon each chopped fresh rosemary and thyme
    Salt and freshly ground pepper
    Additional 1 or 2 eggs (4 eggs total)
    1 large red bell pepper, roasted and cut lengthwise into thin str

    1. Heat the 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium heat in a large, heavy skillet. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant and sizzling, about 30 seconds. Add the chopped broccoli raab and herbs. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir over medium heat for about a minute, until the broccoli raab is infused with the garlic, oil, and herbs.
    2. Proceed with the template recipe, using 4 eggs total and adding the broccoli raab in Step 2.
    3. In Step 3, omit the breadcrumbs. Smooth the top of the gratin and arrange the red pepper strips in a lattice design on top. Drizzle with olive oil before baking.

    ADVANCE PREPARATION: The blanched seasoned broccoli raab will keep for about 3 days in the refrigerator. The gratin will keep in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 days.