

    Blueberry compote

    PREP: 5 minutes | COOK: 5 minutes | YIELD: 6 x ¼-cup servings

    Use this fruit compote instead of maple syrup on pancakes and waffles, or try stirring it into yogurt. You can also substitute other berries, such as raspberries, blackberries or strawberries, to make different flavored compotes.

    2 cups (480 ml) frozen or fresh blueberries

    1 Tbsp (15 ml) lemon juice

    1 Tbsp (15 ml) brown-rice syrup, yacon syrup, honey or Sucanat

    1 tsp (5 ml) arrowroot starch

    Pinch sea salt

    Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a simmer on medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat to gently simmer and cook until slightly thickened, and some blueberries have broken down, 2 or 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Refrigerate any unused compote.


    This compote will keep in the refrigerator up to five days.


    Calories: 34 | Calories from Fat: 1 | Protein: 0.3 g | Carbs: 9 g | Total Fat: 0 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Fiber: 1 g | Sodium: 3 mg | Cholesterol: 0 mg