

    Korean Pancakes with Kimchi and Scallions

    PREP: 10 minutes | COOK: 20 minutes | YIELD: 4 x 10-inch pancakes

    These savory pancakes, called pajeon, contain scallions and almost anything else you’d like to add. The kimchi, a cabbage-based Korean dish, gives them a spicy, fermented dimension that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.


    2 Tbsp (30 ml) low-sodium soy sauce

    2 tsp (10 ml) rice vinegar

    ½ tsp (2.5 ml) sesame oil

    ½ tsp (2.5 ml) Korean hot pepper flakes or powder

    ½ cup (120 ml) whole wheat flour

    ½ cup (120 ml) brown rice flour

    1 egg + 2 egg whites

    1 tsp (5 ml) Sucanat or other unrefined sugar

    1 tsp (5 ml) dried and crumbled dulse seaweed

    1 tsp (5 ml) sesame seeds

    1 bunch scallions, finely chopped

    Eat-Clean Cooking Spray (see Supportive Recipes)

    ½ cup (120 ml) kimchi, drained, divided

    In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil and Korean hot pepper flakes. Set aside.

    In a separate bowl, whisk together flours, egg and egg whites, Sucanat, dulse seaweed and sesame seeds. Stir in scallions.

    Heat a 9-or 10-inch nonstick skillet thoroughly on medium and spray with Eat-Clean Cooking Spray. Pour ½ cup (120 ml) batter into pan and place a few pieces of kimchi on top. Cook until browned on bottom, about 3 minutes. Using a large rubber spatula, flip and cook until pancake is cooked through, about 1 minute longer. Transfer pancake to a baking sheet.

    Use a paper towel to wipe out skillet, spray with Eat-Clean Cooking Spray and repeat with another ½ cup (120 ml) batter and more kimchi until all are used. Cut each pancake into eighths, and serve with dipping sauce.


    Calories: 191 | Calories from Fat: 35 | Protein: 8 g | Carbs: 31 g | Total Fat: 4 g | Saturated Fat: 1 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Fiber: 4 g | Sodium: 579 mg | Cholesterol: 53 mg