

    Red onion chutney

    Again, this is very simple and quick to prepare because it’s cooked in the microwave, which preserves the vibrant colour and flavour of the onions. Serve it as part of a ploughman’s lunch, on a grilled cheese sandwich, or with a nice bit of Summer quiche (see here).

    MAKES 685G
    1kg (about 6) red onions, thinly sliced
    juice of 2 lemons
    2 tbsp sea salt, plus more if needed
    150g granulated sugar, plus more if needed
    Place the onions, lemon juice and salt in a large, microwavable bowl or container and cover loosely with a plate or lid. Microwave at full power (800W) for 10 minutes, stirring every 5.
    Mix in the sugar, then return to the microwave with the lid on for another 15–20 minutes, again stirring every 5 minutes. It needs this long to reduce the moisture, and it’s still a lot less time than it would take on the hob.
    The chutney is ready once most of the liquid has evaporated and the colour has changed to a deep purple. If you put a spoonful of the chutney on a chilled plate it should hold its shape and shouldn’t run. Taste and add more salt or sugar if necessary. Allow to cool.
    (If you haven’t got a microwave, put all the ingredients in a heavy-based pan, cover and cook for 5 minutes to allow the juices to leach from the onions; they will cook in this juice, for more flavour. Remove the lid and continue to cook until the onions are very well cooked and sticky. If the chutney sticks to the pan a bit don’t worry, as this helps with the flavour.)
    Pot in a 500ml sterilised jar (see here), while it and the jar are still warm. It will keep for a month in the fridge.