

    Lemon curd

    This makes a great gift and can be prepared well in advance and kept in the fridge. We have tried using other fruit juices for this, such as lime and passion fruit, and they both work really well. It’s best spread on hot buttered toast or served with our White chocolate, apricot and coconut scones (see here).

    MAKES 600ML
    finely grated zest and juice of 5 unwaxed lemons
    5 eggs, lightly beaten
    175g unsalted butter, chopped
    375g granulated sugar
    Combine all the ingredients in a large heatproof bowl. Create a bain-marie: place the bowl over a saucepan one-third full of gently simmering water, making sure the water does not touch the bowl, as this will overheat the curd.
    Keeping the heat low, whisk to incorporate the butter as it melts. Once the butter is combined you can just whisk every 10 minutes or so, using a spatula to scrape the sides of the bowl clean (any mix left here will overcook).
    After 45 minutes to 1 hour the curd will have thickened and you can test to see if it’s ready by putting a little on a chilled plate: if it holds its shape, it is ready. Pass through a sieve to remove the zest and any lumps.
    Divide between two 340ml sterilised jam jars (see here) while both curd and jars are still hot. Allow to cool before serving. This will keep for up to 1 month in the fridge.