

    Fruity carrot coleslaw

    We use dried rather than fresh fruit in this coleslaw because, if you add apple or orange, they tend to become soft and mushy as they sit in the mayonnaise. The dried fruit also gives individual hits of sweetness as you eat it … and you probably have some dried fruit in the cupboard, so it’s always handy. We have given a recipe for mayonnaise, but you can use shop-bought if you are short of time. For the home-made version, use eggs at room temperature, as this can help the mayonnaise come together more easily. This mix will give a little too much mayonnaise, but trying to make it with just one egg yolk is tricky. Some people add mustard to their mayonnaise, but we find that can be a bit harsh with the coleslaw for this recipe.

    SERVES 4
    2 tsp white wine vinegar
    2 egg yolks (keep the whites for another recipe, perhaps Meringues, see here)
    250ml sunflower oil (poured into a jug)
    sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
    ½ small white cabbage (the hard white ones are best for crispness)
    2 spring onions
    1 large carrot, peeled and coarsely grated
    80g dried fruit, such as sultanas, raisins, or even some mixed peel, or a mix of all the above
    Warm the vinegar in the microwave for literally 2 seconds (you just want to take the chill off it) or warm it very gently over the lowest possible heat in a small saucepan. Drop the egg yolks into a blender and blend on high for 10 seconds, then, with the motor running, drizzle in a touch of the vinegar to warm the yolks, then one-quarter of the oil. Now add the rest of the vinegar followed by the rest of the oil, remembering to keep the flow of the oil slow and the motor fast. Season, then refrigerate.
    Next take a chopping board and a sharp knife and cut the half cabbage in half. Lay each piece on its curved side, cut out the core and discard. Then shred the cabbage – the finer the better.
    Slice off the coarse green ends and roots of the spring onions, then wash and chop finely.
    Put the cabbage, carrot and spring onions in a bowl with the dried fruit and mix in enough mayonnaise to bind. Season and refrigerate.
    If the coleslaw is not needed immediately you can leave the prepared vegetables in the fridge – unmixed with the mayonnaise – until required. Chilling the prepared vegetables will also ensure that they are nice and crisp.