

    Almond Nut Crust

    This nut-filled crust is fabulous with fruit fillings.


    6 tablespoons butter, softened

    ВЅ cup sugar

    1 egg yolk

    ВЅ teaspoon almond extract

    в…” cup unbleached white flour

    в…” cup (about 3 ounces) finely ground almonds

    1. Lightly butter a tart pan and set aside. In a large bowl cream the butter and sugar with an electric beater until well blended. Add the egg yolk and almond extract and blend.
    2. Add the flour and almonds and beat just until the mixture blends; do not overwork the dough.
    3. Spoon the crumbled dough into the tart pan. Dust your fingers lightly with flour and press the dough firmly into the pan. Be sure to press it evenly into the sides. Chill for ВЅ hour. Proceed with your recipe.

    Orange Almond Crust
    Substitute the grated rind of 1 large orange for the almond extract.